Monday, December 7, 2015

Cultural Relevance

            Maria Semple’s, Where’d You Go, Bernadette, highlights the stereotypes that are embedded in our culture in today’s society. An epistolary novel uses emails, letters, and journals in the book. Semple has utilized this to further explain the interaction between characters through emails and how the settings draw to the stereotypes presented that are present in our culture.
            Emails are used to communicate between characters and it offers a way to forma an opinion about the character. The fact that Soo-Lin and Audrey, who are close friends, email instead of calling each other or physically talking to the other ties into the lack of communication in today’s society. Emailing is even thought of the old way to talk among friends, everyone now just texts. When the mailman comes he usually drops off junk mail, some bills, and if you are in high school an acceptance or rejection letter from a college. No one write to one another or calls. The very concept of having a house phone is going extinct. Chuck Martin wrote an article on the importance of face-to-face communication, “67 percent of senior executives and managers say their organization would be more productive if their superiors communicated more often by personal discussion (Martin 1).” Elgie, Bernadette’s husband, emails and IMs his assistant the work she must do on his behalf, and if it were not on her persistence they may have never talked. It was agreed upon the executives that verbal communication makes sure that everything is understood and clear. Advancements in communication have caused for a lack of interaction not just in the work place, but also among friends and family. If no one can even pick up the phone to say hello, then sending a handwritten letter asking about how someone is must be prehistoric. When someone receives a handwritten thank you note or letter it is treasured more because the person had taken the time to write it. There is a company that will send handwritten letters on your behalf. They take a sample of your writing, and have a robot create an exact replica of it. “The bot doesn't just copy letters; it learns spacing patterns, angulation, how a person connects certain letters, and how far someone veers from the margins (Greenfield 1).” Semple’s depiction of the communication used among the Galer Street gnats, Bernadette and Paul, and Elgie was spot on with how people communicate in the 21st century.
            Stay-at-home moms are thought of to be similar to the housewives of New Jersey. Although, no one in Where’d You Go, Bernadette has a nanny or legal problems, the same amount of drama is presented. The Galer Street gnats are the typical stay-at-home moms, but with way too much time on their hands. Audrey Griffin, neighbor to Bernadette, exemplifies how much time housewives have on their hands. She is the mom who participates actively in school activities, member of the PTA, and enjoys to gossip about other moms. She had the audacity to break into Bernadette’s backyard to have an expert see how much it will cost her to have Bernadette’s blackberries removed. This is only one example of how Audrey cannot seem to mind her own business. Another instance was when Bernadette had “ran over” Audrey’s foot, and Audrey had made sure that it was said in the school email to everyone that Bernadette was the one done it. When she had gone to the doctor to get her foot checked out, he did not believe Audrey needed x-rays or to be on crutches. Semple’s characterization of the stay-at-home mom is completely accurate to the mom of our culture. In an article by Parenting Weekly it says, “Full-time mothers get the first call when volunteers are needed for any school function, field-trip or fundraiser…You will find yourself organizing trips, running bake-sales and driving children whose parents are stuck at work to museums. You put in all the work of "working parents" without the paychecks or the breaks (“The Myth of the Stay-at-Home Mom by Parenting Weekly” 1).”

Through Semple’s usage of emails and characters she has told a story that can be easily related to in today’s society because of our culture. The stereotypical stay-at-home in Where’d You Go, Bernadette is the PTA mom our culture. The usage of emailing instead of talking face to face is the texting era of today. These stereotypes of Bernadette’s upside down world are within our understanding and gave us some insight into her life.  

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Satire Proposal

Proposed Title
Yet Another High School Rager

Nicole Zavala 

One Sentence Description
This book offers insight into what people think happens behind the closed doors of private institutions before, after, and during school. Is it everything that Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez led us to believe high school was about? Or is it more of what Serena Van Der Woodsen showed us it could be?

High school, according to Urban Dictionary, is a failed experiment in preparing young people for the adult world. Private high schools though hold all the rage among the young minds of today. The special treatment, recruitment, butlers, parties, and trust funds. Everyone is blonde, white, and beautiful. Everyone is bound to become the CEO of a company and marry into more money because they have the world at their feet. These absurdities are what have people wanting to hear and see into a world that they think is real and unattainable. 

I proposed to fully execute the absurdities placed upon private institutions and their students it must be showed on the big screen, television. It has to be gaudy, loud, obscene, and yet give the essence of sophistication. What place holds all of these qualities? New York City. It is the perfect setting to explore the mayhem of high school in the city that exemplifies a mixture of cultures, groups of peoples, and disasters. The best actors have to play the role of a high school student, i.e. Liam Hemsworth, Jennifer Lawrence, etc. The hot high school teachers can be played by actors such as Johnny Depp, Cameron Diaz, etc. The main character will be an outsider; audiences can always relate to an outsider and sympathize with them. He/She will be thrown into the mists of the chaos that is high school and try to fit in among these Upper East Side students. It will not be told solely from the perspective of the main character, but will slowly progress into the perspectives of the other classmates, their families, their lives. What makes the show work is not the outsider, but that the stereotypes placed upon private high schools is told. If others see that their assumption is shared by others then they will be intrigued as to what else they could be right about. 

The most ridiculous things must be said and done. If your mom is a fashion designer and whenever her latest designs hit the runway, you can invite friends to be front row. A situation can be where the girl cannot decide which friends to bring. Sounds a little childlike, but it can be told from the perspective of the outsider. He befriends this girl somehow and its a secret friendship because she could never been seen with someone like him. They would all be first world problems, or rich people problems. Every public school bets their bottom dollar that private high schools recruit for sports. Although it is illegal to recruit at the high school level it can be presented as something that occurs in the show. The first episode should show the glamour of having money. A huge party as big as the ones Gatsby would throw. The DJ, the lights, and the people will all charm the audience. Of course like any other drama there has to be a love interest, triangle, or some kind of romantic struggle. Teens now a days have "ships" and "otps" - one true pairing. They are the two characters that they believe should be together and wait episodes, seasons, and maybe even years to see that happen. I, myself, have literally done cartwheels when my top is finally a thing. It is addicting to watch, to find out what happens. How does my otp work as a couple? Has love finally triumphed? These are all things that will help illustrate the obscene ideal of private high school students. 

At first the viewer will be watching from comedic standpoint, making fun of the struggles of these people. As we go further into the plot of the story, the viewer will still be watching for comedy, but we must start reeling him/her in. The character development of each character is essential because although they are snobby, they are people with feelings and backstories. To get into the thought process of someone, what makes people tick, what causes them to make such decisions; oh, what an adventure. It is not always what story is told, but how it is told.